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How Electric Tricycles are Changing Mobility in Africa

How Electric Tricycles are Changing Mobility in Africa

Interview with Shantha Bloemen

Shantha Bloemen -CEO and Co-Founder Mobility for Africa. - 20 years' experience of project development at UNICEF across Asia and Africa. She co-founded Mobility For Africa in order to apply her wide experience in development to making a lasting difference in rural women’s lives. She has a master’s degree from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs and an honours degree in History from University of Western Australia.

This episode is created in partnership with Movmi's EmpowerWISM campaign.

What you'll learn:

  • The social and economic benefits of E-micromobility for women in Africa

  • Unique power and transport infrastructure challenges in the African context

  • About the EmpowerWISM program

  • About Mobility for Africa


"The potential of electric transport allows us to rethink transport altogether... to make our lives easier, to make women's lives easier, to make them safer."

"We're essentially working to solve last-mile transport needs in rural areas of Africa. We specifically started working in Zimbabwe but with big ambitions to expand to other parts of the continent."

"Africa faces two big challenges. One is a huge energy deficit... and we also face a mobility crisis."

"Rural women spend hours of their day in drudgery, walking with children on their backs, carrying heavy loads... It's a huge waste of their productive day."

"We've set up fleets of tricycles... women either rent it as a group business, using it for transport, increasing their revenue, or as transport as a service."

"We need to keep on reminding decision-makers to think out of the box... This is an opportunity to experiment with new types of transport models."


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